Lloyd and Brenda Lougheed

Lloyd and Brenda Lougheed from Fergus, ON Canada contacted us through our website with the idea of assisting us in any way during the six weeks they would be in Grenada (Feb-Mar). Prior to their visit they had gathered, used clothing, bedding, books ,shoes and tools which were packed in a barrel which arrived during their visit.  Here in Brenda's words she tells of their experience. 

"During our 6 week, for the first part of the week Lloyd would assist the Agricultural Science teacher at the school farm and I assisted small groups of students with building literacy skills.

The Principal Ms. DeAllie, the staff and students welcomed us and made us feel a contributing part of their school. We also had the privilege of delivering school supplies and meeting the Principal Mr. Cudjoe at Samaritan school.  Unfortunately, we did not have enough time to volunteer at this lovely school.

Volunteering at Macdonald, attending the Kirk and meeting so many lovely people was a highlight of our Grenada vacation. Grenada has warmed our hearts and souls and hopefully we will return to volunteer again"

Back in Canada, they have already started acquiring books to come down in a barrel  and are looking at soap dispensers for both schools. So, we are grateful for their generosity of time and enthusiasm.  Thank you Lloyd and Brenda!